Thursday 27 September 2012

The Fountain of youth….

As a fully-fledged member of the young and upcoming generation in South Africa I feel obliged to share a secret with my fellow citizens. We life every day in a mist of numerous blessings but in my case I would like to tell you about the most precious one. I call it precious as it has transformed me into a passionate person. The most precious blessing we share is freedom…

Freedom to embrace life, freedom to embrace opportunity, freedom to embrace technology, freedom to embrace religion, freedom to love, freedom to express, freedom to make something lasting out of nothing. So few realize what a wonderful gift is passed to us all every day we wake up and greet the sunshine. Every day dawn upon us movement of body and thoughts. Ideas transform into actions and that transform us into passionate creatures. Passionate about change, passionate about influence, passionate about leading.  For a brief period in our country we lived through a time of blame. Lucky for me, I was part of the conversation but never the argument as I was experiencing it from the side line. That spawned the living thought in me to become a contributor and no more of a victim. We all choose to be a victim of some sort rather than a person who transform negative into a living benefit for all. I have chosen to take all the black of the past and change it into a radiating light for all to see. I am blessed with the vision to see that in in every situation, no matter what, lies one single golden opportunity. I am also even more blessed to be living on a University campus. If there should be one single goal for all young people it should be to excel in life to the level where one can experience higher education with other people. To be mixed with thousands of vibrant young people, all in line with their dreams and visions are truly one of the biggest gifts of freedom. The freedom to share innovation, emotions, dreams and fears transformed me into a new person. I like the new person in me so much, I never want to part ways with her. To speak and be heard, to live and be seen, to act and be appreciated, to contribute and make a difference is clearly the blessing that freedom has granted us all. It is quite difficult to express the living feeling thereof into words without jumping up, running around and shouting it out. Once the concept grasps you, you will be transformed into a continuous growing soul of creativity and glow. Mind sets change overnight from a user of technology into somebody who wants to change it so that it can change everybody. Ordinary garments of clothing become a bare canvass to express my happiness. To transform my “waves” into visible cues that can ignite curiosity. Curiosity ignites conversation. Conversation leads to debate. Debate leads to exchange of ideas. Exchanged ideas change the world for ever…

Albert Einstein once said…” Logic will take you from point A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere…” Freedom has unlocked my imagination for evermore. It is free as the word itself. So many young people lock them up in the past and don’t see the very freedom that is around us all. If you should ask me what is my biggest passion in life, the answer is simple… To introduce everybody to freedom and the freedom to tell this very short story of me is beyond precious. Hopefully it will lead many more of our generation out there to be precious! Remember; don’t be the only choice out there…makes sure you are always the better choice…                                                 Jana de Wet


must have- little white dress

Sunday 23 September 2012